So some of you may have seen that earlier this month I was supposed to running a Drowned Earth tournament at my FLGS Dark Sphere. You may also have noticed that this never actually happened.

It was a bit gutting but these things happen, seems the date didn't work for everyone and the game scene locally might not be at that point yet where people are looking for tournaments. We will get there hopefully, a few more local players and a few more small local events like leagues and demo nights we should be heading in the right direction.
Unfortunately I've not been able to do much of anything in the world of Ulaya as we've been in the middle of the school holidays so I've been jumping between covering time off at work, spending time with my kids, and if I'm lucky stopping to catch my breath. I've not even managed any painting in the last few weeks, but hopefully that will change soon.

In the time I haven't been playing the game has had a few exciting new releases. The Keratosor which is a great big dino that comes with bonus scenario too. I'm quite excited to get around to picking up the keratosor as she looks really fun to paint. I'm tempted to go for a really light marble-esque look to the skin just to make her really stand out.

Along with the big sor there was also a couple of new recruits on for the militia, in the form of a red panda with a rocket pack (she is an amazing sculpt) and a bondsmen fella with chains, hooks, and a massive smile. I wasn't to keen on this sculpt at first look but it's really grown on me.
There has also been an update on the cards which you can handily download for free from the Drowned Earth site. This is great, not only is the game being tweaked as its grows also the updates don't cost you anything.
I would love it if the cards were single sided, but double wide so everything was right there with no need to flip the card or to try an cut and sleeve them.

One of the joys of being in the playtest and wayfarer groups (even if I've done nothing to contribute to them, James see earlier excuses for why I'm currently useless) is that I get to glimpse all the cool plans that are coming up even through I can't say anything specific, I can say cool things are coming.
So future plans for me? Paint stuff is always top of the list I've got three unfinished models calling out for some attention. Demo, demo, and demo some more. Best way to get more people playing is to let them experience all the fun bits of the game. Lastly I need to run something, if nothing else just to get over the complete failure which was the attempted tournament.
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