In an effort to address the balance slightly while I scramble around trying to find a free couple of hours to run anything before the month is over, I thought I would do a run down of what Planters Season is and what's happening.
In game Planter's season is somewhere between a harvest festival and easter. The farmers have worked the fields, and now that the monsoons have passed adventurers can skip off into the jungle looking for treasure and dinosaur eggs, maybe chocolate too I'm unsure if that plant survived the floods.

So what can you expect to see? From The Drowned Earth people there has so far been a flash sale on Dinosaurs which if you ever needed an excuse to buy dinosaurs that was it. There is also an ongoing short story competition which closes 6th of October and if the last one was anything to go by should have some brilliant stories coming soon.

From the supporters and Wayfarers there has been a push on running demos and even a few upcoming events. As has been previously mentioned I have been "woefully neglect" in running anything so far but there are less useless people than me running things. You're best looking at the fb page for the full run down but to pick out a couple Shaun is running a game day somewhere in America, now I'm not sure where and I'm not convinced I'd know where it was even if I had the address but he's written a cool scenario and everything so if you do find yourself on the wrong side of the Atlantic look him up and go and support him.

Both of these promise to be great as the fellas know what they're doing so if you're around go along say hi (tell them I sent you) and roll some dice while making weird dinosaur noises.
Now I'm sure there is other cool stuff going on that I've missed but like I said I'm useless right now. So if you're interested in trying TDE or just want to get some games in use Planters Season as an excuse to reach out on facebook (there's a few groups) or Twitter (I'm not sure who but if in doubt find me and I'll at least retweet you) find your local wayfarer or even just another local player and play some games.
Thanks for reading and Happy Planters to you and yours, hope none of you get eaten...
Last thing while I'm here I thought I'd have a crack at writing an unofficial Planters scenario.
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