Friday, May 10, 2019

Courier crisis

So I got to sit down for my first proper game of TDE yesterday. We were both a bit nervous and had to fumble around here and there but fun was had.

Okay me and local player and all round nice guy James headed along to Dark Sphere Shepherds Bush for a 100point game. Luckily DS have a huge trove of terrain so after I collected up all the plants and trees and they set up a bunch of multi-storey buildings we had a table. The mat was a bit on the dry side but we just called anything tarmac as water. (Problem solvers)

We had our crews set as the starter box 100pts crews I was running my (almost painted) Artefacters and James ran his Militia.

We rolled for the scenario and got Couriers. Which is all about moving models off the opposite table
edge. With my super free running tomb raiders that should have been easy right?

After a quick read through of the scenario set up and special rules we were good to go. One of the things I like about TDE is the fact that scenarios include deployment and set up rules all together, it means less variation but also less “oh shit I’ve lost this” moments before the games even started.

Kraytssk, Militia MechWe both chose our respective lizard dudes as our couriers and then put them as far from each other as possible. Stealth models seemed like an obvious choice.

Not actually knowing how anything really worked the first turn was mainly uneventful. Sage managed to climb up to the top of a ruin and everyone else repositioned.

Turn two involved a bit of stealth spotting as we tried to reveal each other models, failing but trying. Nix decided that she needed a bit of height so a running jump to the side of a building, climb up, then a running leap across to the next building. Not to be out done soon after Corvin vaulted over a wall, ran along a roof top, jumped to the next building and won a mid air fire fight with Forek. (it was very exciting, we were calling people over to look)

Image may contain: outdoor and foodTurn three involved Ranelle spotting, shooting, charging, and killing my courier. While the rest of my crew continued to aimlessly leap from building to building.

Turn four, James courier left the board with the packet, followed by my medic being shot then falling off a building. my tough being unconscious and my leader on the verge of dropping...
James won the game 6-0 but I made more leaps and dodges so I at least looked cool while doing it.

Next step is the local slow grow.

Thanks for reading, and if you can head down to Dark Sphere and see if you can beat me more thoroughly than James did.     

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