Thursday, May 9, 2019


Now is my chance to do something that I rarely get to do as an adult and that is talk about dinosaurs. I'm fairly excited about this because as we all agree dinosaurs are cool.

Currently TDE has five types of Sors, each with a different feel and use. For those that don't know in TDE you can hire dinos to your crew without restriction, they can run around can cause trouble but they can't take interact actions or benefit from any in faction bonuses.  This works as a great balance so that you be a dino heavy as you like but it will hurt you during the scenario if you go to far.

So what sors do you have to choose from?

Related imageOviraptors, which are little bird like fellas. They are your cheapest option, and also the weakest with low wounds and toughness. But what they lack in power they can make up for in being sneaky. The can ambush as a reaction which is basically like a surprise charge.

Troodon cost a bit more and are a tiny bit less squishy but can get away with it by being slightly harder to hit.

Domeheads are your first level of close combat sors, they can do reliable damage specially on the charge and the can also knock people prone, which is alway handy.

Dilophosaurs apart from having striking art and cool models also are your go to for ranged beasties. They have a spit attack and plenty of mobility.

Yuttaraptors are the scariest of the bunch, they are tougher and faster than the rest and the can do some serious damage if you let them get close. To make up for the they cost a fair few points so you have to find a space for them.

So now we have a bunch of dinosaurs and a big question. Which dinosaurs is the best? Generally this comes down to what you want them to do and how well they fit into your crew.
Yuttaraptors (x2)We could work on which model looks the best, and I’d vote for Yuttaraptors because they are big and dynamic and I’m a big kid. (Also I’d love to run a mounted Nix and then an all Yuttaraptor crew just because it would look amazing). But as looks are subjective we need a better way to rate them.

To do this I took inspiration from my time as a Malifaux player, I used to run regular games of “Henchman Hardcore” which was a quick version of the game using a streamlined scenario and a lower point limit. I was thinking I could run something similar to this with our friendly dinosaur pals.

I’m calling the format Dino-Might and here’s roughly how I see it working.

2-4 players per game

Each player hires up to 25 points of sors and only sors. Any unused points are lost no event cards are used.

Players deploy within 12” of their corner. Roll off to see who chooses which corner same as choosing sides in a regular game.

Place a 30mm marker in the centre of the table.

Each turn players earn
1vp for reducing enemy sor to zero wounds 1vp for having 1 or more sors within 6” of the centre marker.

Special rule. At the end of each turn any sor outside of a set range of the centre takes 1 wound.
Turn 1: 16”
Turn 2: 12”
Turn 3: 8”
Turn 4: 4”

It’s far from perfect and until I can actually play it I have no real idea if it would work (please let me know what you think, especially if what you think is that it is terrible and unplayable)

The idea is to A, have a dinosaur heavy game to really see them in action. B, have something fast paced and fun. C, ideally have something that you can run 3 or so games of in a night for a quick and crazy round robin.

Once again let me know what you think and also which sor crew you think would win.

Thanks for taking the time to make it through my rambling.

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