Wednesday, May 22, 2019

T Wreaks slow grow.

So in the strong gaming tradition of picking up a new system the locals decided that a slow grow would be a good place to start.
I'm always keen on a slow grow as it encourages painting and playing new people which I'm slightly better at then actually playing games.

There is an official league which I believe is currently being fine tuned by the TDE team but I decided to run my own. Partly because its fun to put something together and partly because if someone asks me a question about the rules I can make something up then change it to fit, which saves me loads of time reading an official pack.

First things first I cobbled together a narrative and tried not to butcher the official world build too much

The hunters chased her across the water, taking potshots from their canoes, keeping her moving, herding her towards the falls.
Rasik knew they couldn’t beat the tyrant sorr in a standing fight, they didn’t have the firepower or the bodies to stand a chance. But he also knew they couldn’t let her keep picking off villagers, the new settlement was already struggling to survive this far away from the trade routes.
Willow saw them coming the albino tyrant crashing through the rapids in a panic while the handful of hunting canoes followed behind firing custom “bang” shot that was more bark than bite. Willow gave the signal to her team who were hanging from points on the side of the tilted ruin. The climbers lit their touches, and counted to ten, before hurling them towards the right eye of the beast, midair the fungus core of the torches making them flare a bright red and letting of a vile stink, the tyrant swung left letting out a rage fuelled roar and she stormed on away from the flares.
Rasik gave a wave to Willow before slipping out of his canoe into the water, the front of the boat dipped low in the water without his weight to balance the bang seeds and flare fungus stuffed there. It was a months crop but their best hope.
The hulking white tyrant has seen the true treat just in time, the falls are bordered by high ruins on each side of the river before dropping over a sheer cliff into a lake below.
Her back to the drop the tyrant, her pale hide dappled green from light through the canopy above, eyes the pack that have harried her for miles. The instinctive panic at the flares and explosions being replaced by a predators hunger.
She lowers her body, preparing to charge the canoes holding place at the mouth of the river. Rasik lets out a high pitched bark, hearing the signal Willow heaves down her spear, end burning brightly. It slams into Rasik’s vacant canoe as it floats down river drawn by the current of the falls. 
The huge sorr cocks her head trying to decide if this is a new threat or a possible meal... then the cargo catches lights the boom seeds start first popping like the corn in a hot pan turned up to 11, swiftly followed by the fungus. The amount crammed in together causes a smell like a twice rotten stegg. The flare is blinding even in the midday sun.
The tyrant beast rears back in shock, the banging gets faster as more of the seeds are heated in the blaze, staggering back. The hunters and climbers hold their breath as they watch the beast that’s taken so many of their kin over the previous weeks edge closer to the drop.
With a final panicked roar the sorr stumbles back over the falls. The climbers race forward to watch it go, hanging from branches out over the edge.
The giant white tyrant slams into the water below with a echoing crash, soon joined by the still burning canoe. Willow signals back to Rasik, the sorr is down.
The cheers from the two groups are cut short by a loud crack coming from below, its grows in volume before there’s a sudden sound like thunder and the lake bottom at the base of the falls collapses into the ground. The whole lakebed vanished in a deafening crash of rock and water. 
The climbers watched in shock at the scene below them. Below the lake were the flooded remains of a buried builders town, hidden below whatever ancient roof was acting as a plug for the lake above.
Willow made her way back to Rasik, “Darling you had better rush back and warn the village, things more dangerous than a hungry sorr are going to be heading this way soon.

Next I decided on a structure for the slow grow, with my admittedly limit actual play of the game balance was a bit guess work but I aimed to introduce new options each game but without the need to invest more until later (unless you wanted to).

Week 1

The first treasure hunters start to appear at the newly revealed ruins. The edges of the lake have fully fallen in leaving an almost perfect circle in the ground. From the top of the fall looking almost like a sphere of darkness… Only the fasted make it here first, and the opportunity to take out the opposition is too much for some to resist.

Game size Leader – Tough – Medic / Mech
Scenario – Assassinate

Week 2

Camps appear around the edge of the old lake, there not much here that you could call firm ground so the rival camps are sometimes too close for comfort. Old rivalries start to bubble to the surface, in the calm before the storm old grudges are settled. 

Game size Leader – Tough – Medic / Mech +upto 5points of Effect cards
Scenario –  Grudge Match

Week 3

As reinforcements arrive the first proper trips into the dark begin. Prime targets have been spotted from the surface, the only question is who will get there first.

Game size 100 points , in faction models only
Scenario –  Attack and Defend

Week 4

The first discoveries have been made, but getting them away is another story, this far from home you can’t just sit and wait. When you find something good you make a break for it.

Game size 100 points – standard crew rules
Scenario –  Couriers

Week 5

After what feels like a lifetime searching through the ruins, finding scraps and trinkets you reach the centre of whatever this complex used to be and you’ve finally hit payday. Half a dozen sealed containers all looking like they’ve avoided the worst that nature could throw at them. But your not the only ones to arrive…

Game size 125 points – standard crew rules
Scenario –  Scavenger Hunt

Week 6

Game size 125 points – standard crew rules
Scenario –  Roll for it

The scoring was fairly basic but with two different tables so even if you didn't score big during the games you could still do well on the other list with fun sport points.

It's still early days but we've got 10 players and the first few results are coming in. Hopefully I'll be able to update everyone with the winners and a round up on how it worked (or didn't) in a few weeks. If you're in the area and fancy joining in there's still time, just come say hi on the Dark Sphere Drowned earth FB page

Thanks for reading.

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